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Differences between iOS and Android development in terms of programming languages.

Differences between iOS and Android development in terms of programming languages.

HARIDHA P763 07-Jun-2023

In the ever-evolving world of mobile app development, two major platforms dominate the market: iOS and Android. Each platform has its unique characteristics, and understanding the differences between iOS and Android development is crucial for developers looking to build applications for these platforms. One key distinction lies in the programming languages used. In this blog, we will explore the disparities between iOS and Android development in terms of programming languages, shedding light on their respective languages and their implications for app development.

iOS Development:

When it comes to iOS app development, the primary programming language is Swift. Swift was introduced by Apple in 2014 as a modern, safe, and robust programming language. Here are some key characteristics of Swift:

Modern and Expressive: Swift is a modern language designed to be expressive and easy to read. It incorporates modern programming paradigms and features, making it efficient and concise. Swift code is often more concise compared to Objective-C, the previous primary language for iOS development.

Safety and Security: Swift was developed with a strong emphasis on safety and security. It introduces features like optional types, which help eliminate common programming errors, such as null pointer exceptions. Swift also enforces safe coding practices, reducing the risk of memory leaks and crashes.

Interoperability: Swift is designed to be highly interoperable with Objective-C, allowing developers to leverage existing Objective-C code in their Swift projects. This enables a smooth transition from Objective-C to Swift and provides flexibility for developers working on legacy iOS applications.

Android Development:

Android app development primarily relies on Java and Kotlin as the programming languages. While Java has been the traditional language for Android development, Kotlin, introduced by JetBrains in 2011, has gained significant popularity in recent years. Let's explore the characteristics of these languages:

Java: Java has been the primary language for Android development for many years. It is a mature and versatile language known for its stability and wide range of libraries and tools. Java's popularity stems from its robustness, platform independence, and extensive community support.

Kotlin: Kotlin, officially supported by Google since 2017, is gaining traction as a preferred language for Android development. Kotlin is a modern, expressive, and concise language that offers enhanced productivity and safety features. It seamlessly interoperates with Java, allowing developers to leverage existing Java libraries and frameworks.

Conciseness and Readability: Kotlin's concise syntax and expressive features, such as null safety and extension functions, enable developers to write code in a more concise and readable manner compared to Java. This improves code maintainability and reduces boilerplate code.

Safety and Null Safety: Kotlin introduces null safety features, which help eliminate null pointer exceptions, a common source of crashes in Android apps. The language enforces stricter null handling, reducing the risk of runtime crashes and enhancing overall app stability.


The choice of programming language plays a significant role in iOS and Android app development. While iOS development relies on Swift, Android development traditionally used Java, with Kotlin gaining popularity as a viable alternative. Swift offers modernity, safety, and interoperability for iOS developers, while Java and Kotlin provide versatility, stability, and interoperability for Android developers. As a developer, understanding the characteristics and strengths of each language is essential for choosing the most suitable option based on project requirements, team expertise, and platform-specific considerations. Regardless of the chosen language, both iOS and Android platforms offer vast opportunities for developers to create innovative and impactful mobile applications.

Updated 08-Jun-2023
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